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Press conference



Mitra Wacana

Preventing radicalism, extremism and terrorism for village communities, as well as optimising the role of women.

Radicalism, extremism and terrorism (RET) has become a discourse that is sucking up the energy of Indonesia. Discussions about radicalism, extremism and terrorism are not new in Indonesia. Since the beginning of independence, until reformasi, terrorist actions have appeared in various forms, movements as well as counter-terrorism policies. During the period of the old order, the government approached security in a way that subverted the law. The new order period wasn’t much different, with the government just to emphasise security and strengthening intelligence operations. Meanwhile in the reformasi period, there are significant differences, people are able to freely express their opinion, the government has become a democracy, and a human rights perspective is used in influencing policy, and law enforcement. This was symbolised with the creation of Law 15, 2003, about Eradicating Terrorists Acts, after the 2002 Bali Bomb tragedy.

The National Agency of Counter Terrorism notes that having a radical attitude and understanding alone does not necessarily make a person fall into the ideology and acts of terrorism. There are other factors that cause a person to join in with terrorism networks. First, domestic, that is situation and conditions in the country, such as poverty, injustice or feeling dissatisfied with the government. Second, international influence, namely the influence of the foreign environment that provides the impetus for the growth of religious sentiments such as global injustices, arrogant foreign policy, and modern imperialism in other countries. Third, cultural factors that are linked with not having a comprehensive understanding of religion, and textual scripture interpretation. Radical attitudes are often motivated by the above factors, and are often the reasons people will choose to join in a terrorism network as well as commit terrorist actions.

Sharing knowledge to audiences about the dangers of RET, its roots, impacts and the scope of it is one of the methods to prevent the spread of networks, and the dangers of RET. Besides this thing, preventing RET through various methods is done through including all of the elements, either instituational or village communities, as well as optimising womens groups, especially those that are in the village. Remember, at this moment the village is suspected to become a new recruiting groud for groups or people that want to spread radical ideas.

Mitra Wacana WRC notes that there are two important issues that need to be addressed in the prevention of radicalism, extremism and terrorism, starting from the village, as well as encouraging the optimisation of the role of womens groups in the village. First, Mitra Wacana WRC encourages village governments to start including RET prevention programs to be discussed in village development planning meetings, so that the community is increasingly alert and aware of the importance of preventing the spread of radicalism. Second, to encourage all elements of society to not ignore the role of women’s groups. Women have shown that they have the ability to strongly consolidate either in organisations, groups or activities that include their communities. For example, at this moment there are 9 villages that have an organisation known as Children and Women’s Learning Center (P3A) that is supported by Mitra Wacana WRC. Through these P3A we have seen that there is the potential to include them as conveyors of the message about preventing RET.

There are several goals from carrying out this seminar, such as; First, describing the results of Mitra Wacana WRC’s research, which was carrried out in 3 District of Kulonprogo Regency about the potential for village resilience to tackle RET and discuss a prevention model through community organizing. Second, to share information about the importance of preventing RET. Third, describe the RET prevetion strategy in Kulonprogo regency. Fourth, optimise the role of women in preventing RET.

In this, Mitra Wacana WRC feels we need a role in carrying out RET prevention measures, through activities that are aimed to create awareness, caring and increase the capacity of society in the village through seminars, public campaigns, cadre training as well as distributing RET prevention material. Mitra Wacana WRC views it as necessary that there are cadres in the village, especially women’s groups that have been supported so that they consider, and understand the message, and we also aim to build their resilience so that they are not impacted by unfriendly religious discourse, and the presence of violent actions.

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Harmoni Kolaborasi Agama, Negara, dan Masyarakat dalam Mengatasi Krisis Lingkungan



Sumber: freepik

Akbar Pelayati, Mahasiswa Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam, Uin Alauddin Makassar, Juga merupakan Aktivis HMI MPO Cabang Makassar.

Krisis lingkungan bukan hanya sekadar bencana yang akan melanda bumi kita; ini adalah sebuah panggilan yang mendesak kita untuk bertindak. Di tengah gemerlapnya pergulatan isu-isu global seperti perubahan iklim dan penurunan biodiversitas, dunia kini membutuhkan respons holistik. Itulah mengapa kolaborasi antara agama, negara, dan masyarakat menjadi semakin penting untuk memecahkan masalah dalam menangani tantangan lingkungan.

Dari sudut pandang agama, kita melihat bagaimana nilai-nilai moral dan spiritual memberikan landasan kuat untuk menjaga alam. Konsep ecotheology, misalnya, menggabungkan prinsip-prinsip agama dengan wawasan lingkungan, menawarkan perspektif baru tentang hubungan antara manusia dan alam. Ajaran Islam menekankan penghormatan terhadap lingkungan sebagai bagian integral dari iman, menjadikannya sumber inspirasi bagi individu dan komunitas untuk bertindak bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan.

Di sisi lain, peran negara tidak bisa diabaikan. Melalui kebijakan lingkungan yang ketat, negara dapat menciptakan kerangka kerja yang mendukung praktik bisnis berkelanjutan. Program seperti PROPER di Indonesia bukan hanya sekadar alat evaluasi, tetapi juga sebagai pendorong bagi industri untuk bergerak menuju praktik yang lebih ramah lingkungan. Selain itu, negara juga memiliki peran dalam menggalang kerjasama internasional untuk menangani masalah lingkungan secara bersama-sama.

Namun, tanggung jawab tidak hanya terletak pada pundak agama dan negara. Setiap individu dalam masyarakat memiliki peran penting dalam menjaga lingkungan. Dari tindakan sederhana seperti pengelolaan sampah hingga dukungan terhadap inisiatif lingkungan, setiap langkah kecil memiliki dampak yang besar dalam menjaga keberlanjutan Bumi.

Kolaborasi yang erat antara agama, negara, dan masyarakat adalah kunci untuk mengatasi krisis lingkungan. Dengan bersatu, kita dapat menjaga harmoni antara manusia dan alam, menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih baik untuk generasi mendatang. Tantangan ini bukan hanya panggilan untuk bertindak, tetapi juga kesempatan untuk mewujudkan masa depan yang lebih baik bagi Bumi kita dan semua makhluk yang menghuninya.

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