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Curriculum Workshop: Rural Women Learn



workshop perempuan sinau desa ft Ngatiyar

So that women are able to organize and participate in decision-making and be aware of their rights, a background workshop was convened with a team of experts to develop guidelines and curriculum for “Omah Perempuan Sinau Desa” (Village Women’s Learning House) by Mitra Wacana Woman Resource Center (WRC) with the participation of staff memebers and guests at Bale Pandhoem, Jl. Tamansiswa Gg Permadi N0.53, over three days (2-4 May 2016).

In her speech, Rindang Farihah as director of Mitra Wacana WRC said that the workshop is expected to give birth to guides and curriculum suitable for village conditions, especially for the provision of assistance in our program target area, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. Bu Rindang added that the presence of the experts involved in the preparation of the curriculum was to provide a perspective that is fair and equitable, especially for the struggles of women in the village.

Guided by the workshop facilitator Sri Hidayati (from ACCES), the experts were invited to contribute ideas and their views associated with the development of guidelines and curriculum. Experts who were present included; Titik Istiyawatun Khasanah (gender activist), Sunaji Zamroni (IRE), AS. Burhan (LASKAR), Nieke T. Jahya (CCES), Alimah Fauzan (INFEST), Wasingatu Zakiyah (IDEA), Tri Chandra Aprianto (SAINS Institute), Nadlroh As Sariroh (Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia) and Isti Atun (Mitra Wacana activist).

Titik Istiyawatun in her presentation said that one problem is the trafficking of migrant workers, so Mitra Wacana has a great vision embody to create a equitable society. Sunaji Zamroni stated that the village is not a stand-alone entity, and therefore women need to be connected to the system as mandated by the Village Law. AS Burhan added that the village is no longer part of a supra village (the district). According to him, the village is the spearhead of the public service. Isti Atun said, the more revealing problems are injustice and violence against women, which is still experienced by women. I think the matter of gender equality will also need to include women’s rights, she said.

Another expert team, Nieke T. Jahya highlights the problem of village information system-based applications. According to her, there are problems with the village information system, which is the data becomes linear, known only by the village government and its top down. Therefore, the curriculum is a good idea to enter the village information system to open access for women, said Nieke. According Wasingatu Zakiyah, even though women’s issues are included in the Medium Term Village Development Plan (RPJMDes), if there is no money given to women’s groups then it is still useless. In her speech, Alimah Fauzan revealed questions of priorities. It’s good for curriculum development there will be priorities associated with the service and creating information and identifying roles. (by tnt)

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Pertemuan BKBPP Banjarnegara dengan Mitra Wacana WRC, foto Desi

According to the Head of Women’s Empowerment and Protection (Kepala Bidang Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan or KBPP), Mrs. Pinasti, the Agency for Family Planning and Women’s Empowerment (Badan Keluarga Berencana dan Pemberdayaan Perempuan or BKBPP) Banjarnegara district, recorded 36 cases of sexual violence against women and children from January to May 2016. As for the previous year, 2015, KBPP recorded 64 such cases, most victims were women and children. “This condition is one of the main reasons KBPP wants to create Integrated Service Centres (Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu or PPT) in the villages”, she said, in a meeting with Mitra Wacana at KBPP’s office on Tuesday (14/06/16).

According to Pinasti, PPT presence at the village level is expected to answer the needs of people, especially the victims and families to get the services needed. Pinasti added that the high rate of violence recorded by KBPP is a strong indicator that the community already has a high awareness for being brave enough to report cases. According Fatkhur, KBPP community empowerment staff, there needs to be synergy constantly to promote the existence of services for victims of violence.

During the meeting, the Mitra Wacana team including Desi Wulandari, Nata Eka Saptiana, Dewi Wulansari, Purwanti (community companion), Mansur (field coordinator) and Sony Marsana, discussed the existence of the Learning Centres for Women and Children (Pusat Pembelajaran Perempuan dan Anak or P3A) in Susukan subdistrict (Berta and Karngjati villages) and Punggelan subdistrict (Petuguran and Bondolharjo villages) to be integrated in the KBPP network, according to Desi and Mansur, P3A already have walk-in counselling for victims of violence. (Desi / tnt)

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