YOGYAKARTA (kabarkota.com) – Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (HKSR) are a section of Human Rights (Hak Asasi Manusia, HAM) that are protected. Yet the public does not yet have a lot of understanding related to these rights.
On the other hand, mass media has a key role in delivering education about HKRS to the public as broadly as possible.
However, journalist from the Alliance of Independent Journalists (Aliansi Jurnalis Independen, AJI) in Yogyakarta, Pito Agustin Rudiana thinks that up to now there has not yet been a lot of thorough analysis reported about this problem.
“Journalists must photograph cases downstream or on the surface only, not try to kidnap causes or the upstream,” words of Pito in Education HKSR through the Event for Reproductive Health, in Taman Bangirejo Yogyakarta, Saturday (14/9/2019).
Consequently, Pito continued, information that appears in the media often highlights the numbers and figures of cases, rather than presenting comprehensive information about HKSR for the public.
But according to him, this cannot be seperated from journalist literacy about problems relating to gender and reproductive health. Pito gives the example, when doing coverage about rape cases, the root of the problem is often precisely missed in the news.
“Whereas, information that is clear from journalists can be harmful to society,” he says.
Meanwhile the Director of Mitra Wacana Yogyakarta, Imelda Zuhaida, argues that the heavy current of information that can be accessed from the media, including in the internet, does not automatically make the public understand about HKSR.
Imelda adds, for women and girls who are vulnerable to problems in HKSR, like in unplanned pregnancy (Kehamilan Tak Direncanakan, KTD), one of the problems is because of less access to information and understanding about that.
“They have more access to that information from the internet that cannot always justify the truth. Then they share with their peers. So they do not run to their family,” regrets Imelda.
It is precisely that, says Imelda, that is fatal for their reproductive health, or even threatens the safety of their souls, when facing problems or doing actions to end the problem of unplanned pregnancy (KTD).
Therefore, Mitra Wacana together with Yayasan Ipas Indonesia (Indonesian Foundation for Changes in Health) initiated the community-based Program for Strengthening Integrated Reproduction (Program penguatan Reproduksi Terintegrasi). It also involves the Department of Health for the City of Yogyakarta (Dinas Kesehatan Kota Yogyakarta), through the reproductive health services in health centers.
Imelda admits, up to now Mitra Wacana has accompanied the communities from 10 villages in the sub-districts of Tegalrejo, Jetis, and Mergangsan in Yogyakarta.
Wednesday (5/1/2020), Ruliyanto and Sri Murtiningsih from Mitra Wacana were speakers in an event about reproductive health hosted by KKN University PGRI Yogyakarta in Duwet II area of Banjarharjo Village, Kalibawang Subdistrict, Kulon Progo District.
The meeting was attended by as many as 25 people from PKK, the integrated healthcare center and health cadre in the Duwet ll area. The meeting took place from 13.00 – 15.00 o’clock, starting with exploring expectations, concerns, and contributionsthat could be made by the participants during the activities.
There was also a brainstorming about contraception where participants were very enthusiastic about their experiences of reproductive health. Groups were formed to discuss the effectiveness of contraception to prevent pregnancy, then presented.
As facilitators, Ruliyanto and Sri Murtiningsih emphasized that it is important for every woman to always consult with a doctor or midwife in accessing reproductive health services, where safe health services are very important for women to prevent maternal and infant mortality.
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