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Mitra Wacana was founded on April 2, 1996 by several organizations in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. At the beginning of its formation, this organization took the form of a forum called the Mitra Wacana Women's Information Service Center (PLIP) with the aim of being an institution that provides information on gender equality and justice, especially for women. The use of the word PLIP emphasizes that Mitra Wacana has attention to issues of access and information services.

Some of the organizations involved in establishing PLIP Mitra Wacana include the Joint Women's Union of Yogyakarta (SBPY), Tjut Nyak Dien, Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Jogja, APIKRI, Rifka Annisa, LSPPA, KPS, YKF, YPB, Annisa Swasti Foundation (Yasanti) , Indonesian Family Planning Association (PKBI), Institute for Independent Studies (Lestari), and LSPS.

In 2005, PLIP Mitra Wacana transformed into an association with individual members who are concerned with issues of women, children, justice and gender equality. Post 2009/2010 said PLIP Mitra Wacana changed to Mitra Wacana Women Resource Center (WRC) with the spirit as a center for women's empowerment. However, in the process the word WRC was omitted to adjust to the enactment of the Law on Community Organizations.

In the period from 2005 to the present, Mitra Wacana WRC has chosen to use direct intervention to the beneficiaries with organizing and advocacy strategies. From here, it became the forerunner to the establishment of the Women and Children Learning Center (P3A) at each mentoring location. This P3A, on its way to become a partner of Wacana Partners in implementing organizational policies and programs.

