Introducing Lentera Hati Women’s and Children’s Learning Centre, Banjarnegara.
7 years agoon
Mitra WacanaBy: Lilis Nur Khasanah, Rustinah, Warsono
Lentera Hati Women and Children’s Empowerment Center (P3A) is an organisation in Berta Village, its membership is made up of men and women in Berta village that care about women’s and children’s issues. P3A Lentera Hati functions as a learning center for women and children, as well as a place to share information related to women and children. In addition, P3A LH also functions as a Women’s Crisis Center, complaints center and also supports victims. P3A LH was established on the 17th of October, 2014 in Berta village.
A picture of a red heart is the symbol for P3A LH, this symbolises that it is an organisation established as a movement of love and caring towards women and children. Writing Lentera Hati with a candle flame in the I symbolises the hope that Lentera Hati will bring to the community. Although it’s only a small light, it’s hoped that it will be a solution to help overcome the problems faced by women and children, especially in Berta village.
Organisation Aim:
Lentera Hati Women’s and Children’s Learning centre has a goal of harnessing existing potential, in order to strive for government social welfare support in handling women’s and children’s social problems in the community.
1. Create an environment where society cares more about women’s and children’s issues.
2. Increase empathy and responsiveness towards victims of violence.
3. Empower women and children victims of violence.
The presence of Lentera Hati (P3A) is in order to help prevent the occurrence of violence towards women and children in Berta village. Activities that are done include awareness raising around the following;
1. Anti violence
Clarify what is the meaning of violence according to Law Number 35, 2014, an amendment to Law number 23, 2002 on Child protection, Article 1, 15a, which states that “Violence is any act against a child resulting in physical, psychological, sexual, and / or neglect, including the threat of unlawful conduct, coercion, or deprivation of liberty. Below are various examples of violence and there impact:
a) Physical violence, any form of intentional act of injuring the body of another person whether it be with a limb or with a device that creates a wound, bruising, teeth falling, or hair being pulled. Example: beaten, kicked, slapped, pulled. Impact: easy to get sick, insomnia, difficulty eating, bruising, injuries, bleeding, broken bones.
b) Psychological violence, any form of action or saying that offends or hurts the feelings of a person. Forms: humiliation, berating, bullying, or degrading remarks. Impact: low self-esteem, fear, insecurity, depression, stress, trauma.
c) Economic violence, any form of action that cause economic loss. For example, being employed not in accordance with the rules, economic exploitation, and being forced to beg. Impacts: Education is disturbed, loss of play time and time to gather with friends, hunger.
d) Sexual violence, any form of action or assault committed to or directed towards sexual areas and sexuality, either by the use of sexual organs or without using sexual organs. For example, harassment, molestation, rape, sexual exploitation, under-age marriage, forced marriage. Impact: Damage to sexual organs, unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted infection, trauma, depression, embarrassment, low self belief, fear.
e) Social violence, all forms of violence that result in social harm.
Example: ostracized, given a negative stigma, set aside in gatherings.
Impact: societal ostracism, gossip material, withdrawal from the social environment.
f) Political violence, any form of violence related with politics. For example, right to participate in politics aren’t fulfilled, not permitted to join elections. Impact: Cannot participate in politics, cannot participate in voting.
2. Reproductive health education for teenagers and children. Introducing the four zones on the body (mouth, chest, genitals, and buttocks) and how to protect them.
3. Parenting. The target of P3A’s is a parent. Explain how to recognize and understand the child’s wants and rights.
Besides that LH P3A also does coordination in networking.
Coordination and networking is done from:
1. Village Scope (RT, RW, Dusun Head, Village Government, community leaders, religious leaders, Family Welfare Education (PKK), and other organizations in the village).
2. At the sub-district level: Integrated Service Centers (PPT) Kecamatan, Police Sector (Polsek), Military Rayon Command (Koramil), Community Health Centers (Puskesmas), Family Planning Service Centers (PLKB) Kecamatan.
3. Scope of Banjarnegara Regency. Integrated Service Centers for Women and Children Empowerment (P2TP2A), Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Safe Houses, Social Services, Manpower and Transmigration, Population Control Offices, Family Planning, Women Empowerment and Child Protection, Education Office and Ministry of Religious Affairs Banjarnegara District.
Many people do not know what is Lentera Hati P3A and many people consider P3A LH only a bunch of housewives, but we always emphasize to all of society, and we invite society to help with all problems that are related with women and children, domestic violence, teenage problems, and parenting. Provide alternatives and information on solving the problem to the victim, but the final decision remains with the victim. We also have a counselling facility that is located besides SDN 1 Berta.
Gedung Lumbung Desa Berta RT 04 RW 02 Kecamatan Sususkan, Banjarnegara 53475 Jawa Tengah. Facebook : Lentera Hati Telpon +6282242094963/+6285647720005
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Mitra Wacana dan LBH APIK Yogyakarta: Penguatan Jaringan Untuk Kesetaraan Gender dan HAM
2 days agoon
17 January 2025By
Mitra WacanaPada Kamis, 16 Januari 2025, Mitra Wacana menerima kunjungan dari Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) APIK Yogyakarta. Pertemuan yang berlangsung mulai pukul 10.00 hingga 12.00 WIB ini disambut langsung oleh Ketua Dewan Pengurus Mitra Wacana, Ibu Istiatun. Sebanyak enam perwakilan dari LBH APIK hadir dalam kunjungan ini, membawa semangat untuk memperkuat jaringan kerja sama antara kedua lembaga yang memiliki visi serupa dalam mendukung pemberdayaan perempuan dan perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM).
Kunjungan dimulai dengan sesi perkenalan dan presentasi dari Mitra Wacana. Wahyu Tanoto memaparkan sejarah berdirinya organisasi ini, fokus isu yang diusung, serta berbagai program dan kegiatan yang telah dilakukan untuk memperjuangkan hak-hak perempuan dan mendorong kesetaraan gender di Indonesia. Presentasi ini menjadi kesempatan bagi LBH APIK untuk memahami lebih dalam tentang pendekatan dan strategi yang diterapkan oleh Mitra Wacana dalam menangani berbagai isu krusial, seperti kekerasan berbasis gender, akses terhadap keadilan, dan peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat.
Setelah sesi presentasi, diskusi hangat dan interaktif pun berlangsung. Kedua lembaga berbagi pengalaman tentang tantangan yang dihadapi dalam menjalankan misi masing-masing. LBH APIK, yang berfokus pada layanan bantuan hukum untuk perempuan korban kekerasan, berbagi cerita mengenai kompleksitas kasus dan berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi. Di sisi lain, Mitra Wacana membagikan strategi pemberdayaan berbasis komunitas yang melibatkan masyarakat lokal dalam upaya advokasi dan edukasi.
Dalam diskusi ini, kedua pihak juga menjajaki potensi kolaborasi di masa depan. Salah satu ide yang mencuat adalah kemungkinan mengadakan program bersama dalam penanganan korban. Program ini diharapkan mampu menjangkau lebih banyak perempuan, terutama di wilayah pedesaan, yang sering kali menjadi korban kekerasan namun minim akses terhadap informasi dan bantuan hukum.
LBH APIK menyampaikan harapannya agar pertemuan ini menjadi awal dari hubungan yang lebih erat antara kedua lembaga. Mereka mengapresiasi pendekatan inklusif Mitra Wacana yang berfokus pada pemberdayaan akar rumput, dan menilai hal ini sebagai pelengkap yang ideal untuk layanan hukum yang mereka berikan.
Sementara itu, Mitra Wacana menyambut baik inisiatif LBH APIK untuk menjalin kemitraan yang lebih strategis. “Kerja sama seperti ini penting untuk memperkuat dampak yang ingin kita capai. Dengan bersinergi, kita dapat menjangkau lebih banyak perempuan yang membutuhkan dukungan,” ujar Ibu Istiatun.
Kunjungan ini menjadi langkah awal yang menjanjikan untuk menciptakan kolaborasi yang lebih solid antara Mitra Wacana dan LBH APIK Yogyakarta. Dengan menggabungkan keahlian dan pengalaman masing-masing, kedua lembaga berharap dapat memberikan kontribusi yang lebih besar dalam upaya pemberdayaan perempuan dan perlindungan HAM di Indonesia.