Activists of Mitra Wacana

Isti Atun
I am Istiatun. Born in Temanggung on November 4th. I live in Yogyakarta. I am a graduate of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University and completed my Masters in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Gajah Mada University in Yogyakarta. I have experience in organizing events for the Islamic Student Association, the Forum for the Environment, the Indonesian Women’s Coalition, NGOs and the National Solidarity Council for Women. I have experience working at Annisa Swasti Foundation, GTZ and E-Pabelan Telecenter. I have the expertise to facilitate gender, community empowerment, human rights, capacity building and other issues related to women. At Mitra Wacana WRC I am part of the supervisory board for the period 2018-2022.

Sri Roviana
I am Sri Roviana, born in Yogyakarta on September 19th. I live in Berbah, Sleman. I have organizational experience in the Indonesian Women’s Coalition and have been active in several mass organizations until now. I am currently a member of the Aisyiah Central Board Social Welfare Council for the period 2015-2020. I have worked in several NGOs, including as a researcher at IRE Yogyakarta (2008-2012). I graduated from the Faculty of Ushuluddin and received my Masters from Gadjah Mada University. I am currently completing a doctoral program at the State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. I previously worked as a lecturer at UIN Sunan Kalijaga in the Social Humanities Faculty, specialising in Sociology. I have expertise in Gender Analysis and Development, Women and Islamic Politics and Family Sociology. At Mitra Wacana, I am on the supervisory board for the period 2018-2022.
I am Imelda Zuhaida, the Director of Mitra Wacana for the period 2018 – 2022. I reside in Sleman, Yogyakarta. My motto is: life must be used for helping others. My hobbies include: traveling, cooking, picking fruits and vegetables. My favourite novel is: Falling Leaves Will not Hate the Wind, by Tere Liye. I have a cheerful, sociable, disciplined and humorous personality.

Arif Sugeng Widodo
Let me introduce myself, I’m Arif Sugeng Widodo. Born in Gunung Kidul on September 17th. I grew up in Gunungkidul and live in Sleman. My life motto is feel blessed, because happiness is cheap, happiness is only a matter of taste … that we can condition. My favourite film is Ice Age, Sophie’s favorite novel of the world. I attended school at Karang Duwet III Elementary School for 7 years. Since I was a child, I loved raising livestock, especially goats and chickens. I studied at UGM, majoring in Philosophy, and finished my Masters at the same university. At Mitra Wacana I help the Public Education Division.
Hello everyone, I am Elva Delvia Ratna Suminar. I live in Bantul, Yogyakarta. My motto is: live life like flowing water. My hobby is hiking. Favourite film/book/novel? I am not too fond of reading and watching movies … so I don’t have any favorite films / books / novels. I am quiet, jutek, but if you already know me, I am fun. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta. My position at Mitra Wacana WRC is in accounting.
Let me introduce myself, I’m Yekti Purnomo. I am commonly called Bang Uchil. I currently live in Yogyakarta. My motto is “Keep working and succeeding in your work”. I have been drawing and playing music since I was little. I often draw using various media, both canvas, paper and walls. Music became my source of inspiration in getting ideas for drawing. I also actively organize in the village as the youth leader of “SERBU” Mudal Sariharjo Ngaglik Village, Sleman Regency DIY. At Mitra Wacana I assist the Finance Division at the cashier’s desk.

To introduce myself, I am Astriani born in Bantul on April 1. My house is in Bantul, Yogyakarta. My motto is… Be My Self . My hobbies are: traveling and listening to music. My favourite film is: 3 Idiots. I like the novel: Detective Conan I am personally… Friendly and easygoing but a little sensitive. I am a graduate of the Yogyakarta Development University Bachelor of Guidance and Counseling study program. I have been active in Early Childhood Education, I am active in youth organizations, village organizations, and have the ability to become a facilitator on issues of youth gender, adolescent reproductive health and youth-friendly counseling. Position in Mitra Wacana WRC as Institutional Secretary and Project Manager for the PEKERTi Program (Kespro). My motto is “An example is more than a thousand pieces of advice”.
I am Wahyu Tanoto. I live in Bantul, Jogja. My motto of life is: the real struggle is to be at peace with yourself. I love photography. I can be a guest speaker on gender issues, sexual health reproduction. I am currently the Coordinator of the Education Division at Mitra Wacana.

Muhammad Mansur
I am Muhammad Mansur, but those familiar with me call me Mansur. I am from Pati, Central Java and now live in Depok, Sleman. My life motto is: God’s plan is the best way for a planned life. My hobbies are: writing and traveling. My favorite reading books include: Madilog by Tan Malaka, and all Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s novels. I am a simple person. I have the expertise to facilitate in the community and organize in the community. When I first joined Mitra Wacana I became the coordinator of the AWO Program Community Organizer (CO) in Banjarnegara District. I am currently the coordinator of the Community Organizer (CO) Prevention Program on Trafficking in Persons in Kulonprogo Regency.
Greetings to everyone. My name is Muazin, but people prefer to call me Poyeng. I first joined Mitra Wacana when participating in a community empowerment program related to the implementation of the Village Law in the villages of Kebakalan and Jalatunda, Mandiraja District, Banjarnegara Regency. From the mentoring process, it gave me a lot of new knowledge related to organizing. I come from Sigedang Village, Kejajar District, Wonosobo Regency. I have the expertise to facilitate a meeting with the assisted groups, create graphic designs and organize the assisted groups in the direction of the institution’s program. Activities that I really like are hiking and adventure in the wild. At Mitra Wacana I was the coordinator of the Research and Development Division and the Project Manager for the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons in Kulonprogo Regency. My motto is “Always do your best in life”.
Hello, I am Sri Murtiningsih, but my friends call me Ning. I am from Magelang. I am very happy to be a part of Mitra Wacana’s family. I have always liked to organize, from when I was still in high school until college. I have gained various experiences as the Chairperson of the Sharia Banking HMPS UIN Sunan Kalijaga in 2015, the Chairperson of the 2016 “Al-Maer” Dance Community, Member of the Yogyakarta Women’s Network Community and Chairperson of the Indonesian PMRI Kopri PC in Yogyakarta from 2018-present. My hobbies are: reading and dancing. Through reading, I can find out all the things I want to know and through dancing I can harmonize between motion, tone, and culture to convey a message to others. At Mitra Wacana I am the Secretary of the reproductive health program in the city of Yogyakarta. My motto is: “balance prayer and effort”
To introduce myself, my name is Parida. I live in Giwangan Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta. I am in the Mitra Wacana household division. Every day I cook and prepare dishes for all Mitra Wacana activists who are present at the office. For more than 10 years I have been a part of this family. I started from the Mitra Wacana office when it was in Giwangan, until now after the move to Gedongan Baru, Banguntapan, Bantul. In community activities, I am active as an Integrated Service Post Cadre that provides services to pregnant women and toddlers.
My name is Ruliyanto. Many people call me July but there are also people who call me Yanto. I was born in Wonosobo and attended school, up to vocational school, in Wonosobo. I joined Mitra Wacana during a community empowerment program on implementing village laws in Jalatunda village, Mandiraja sub-district, Banjarnegara district as a Community Organizer (CO). I have been interested in social activities since I was in a vocational high school, such as by forming a youth organization in the village and social community in Wonosobo district. I can facilitate meetings in assisted groups and organize according to the goals of the institution’s program. Swimming and adventure have been my favorite hobbies since childhood. My motto is: “Smile and respect each other because peace is beautiful”
Greetings, I am Robi. I was born in Jogja. I was active before in the NGO Youth, as well as being a broadcaster & news director for 5 years at one of the commercial radio stations in Yogyakarta. Having also been an IT teacher in the country’s first two public schools for 3 years, I enjoy videography & broadcasting. I have worked at Mitra Wacana since 2018, as part of Staff Media. My motto is: “use all for the benefit of the universe”. As well as, from Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin: “not only humans but also plants & animals, as well as being polite (not disturbing and not afraid) towards fellow creatures who are obliged to worship Jin”
Hello, I am Cornelia Natasya. Those familiar with me call me Nat. I am from Jakarta and now live and study in Yogyakarta. I like to organize and participate in several organizations, including Sehama Kontras, Human Rights Lawyer, Persist Collective. I am very interested in social movements, photography, journalism and also gender issues. Being in nature makes me feel at ease and helps me appreciate His creation. Therefore, I love traveling, hiking and photography. In Mitra Wacana, I am a Community Organizer (CO) Media for the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons in Kulonprogo Regency. My motto is: “Stand Up, Fight Back!”
Hey, I am Ana Mariana Ulfa, often known as Ana. I am from Purwokerto. My hobbies include: modelling and sports. I really like swimming, to maintain my health and fitness. Always enthusiastic and smiling in front of the assisted groups is a must. Organizational experiences that I have participated in include: being a Board Management Member on the Board of the Purwokerto National Student Frontron, BEM of the Faculty of Law of the University of Muhammadiah Purwokerto, and DEMA of the University of Muhammadiah Purwokerto. Besides being able to mobilize the mass of students when there is an action, I am also diligent in building networks among students. At Mitra Wacana, I am a Community Organizer (CO) Prevention Program for Trafficking in Persons in Kulonprogo Regency. The motto that I always hold is: “Learning, Organizing, Fighting”
I am Yngvie Ahsanu Nadiyya, but my friends usually call Vivi. My name was inspired by a guitarist, songwriter and Swedish band leader, who’s playing style is neoclassical. His name is Yngwie Johan Malmsteen. I have the expertise to design applications, become a facilitator and write. I have experience in being involved in a forum resolve sexual violence cases in the community. Singing and eating is my hobby (since childhood). In Mitra Wacana, I am a Community Organizer (CO) Media for the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons in Kulonprogo Regency. My life motto is: “Life Is An Illusion, But Its Persistent”
My name is Saktyaksa Restu Baskara, but am commonly called Restu. I live in Kota Gede, Yogyakarta. My hobby is playing music and reading. I joined the Indonesian Labor Union Conference (KPBI). Through writing and playing music I can voice my ideas and thoughts to others. At Mitra Wacana, I work as a Community Organizer (CO) Media Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Program in Kulonprogo Regency. My motto is “True truth is truth that does not oppress anyone and anything” and “It is better to be alienated than to give up hypocrisy.”
Hello, I am Umi Asih, but you can call me Umi. Sports is my hobby. Moving the body and burning bad fats makes the body healthier and fitter because in a healthy body there is a strong soul. My motto is: “Because one is forced, one becomes accustomed and becomes accustomed”. I am active as the head of the PKK in the village. I can facilitate the assisted groups and PKK with learning at the institution. At Mitra Wacana I work as a Community Organizer (CO) Program Pencegahan Perdagangan Orang in Kulonprogo.
Hello friend, my name is Mona Iswandari, often called Mona. I am originally from Kulonprogo Regency DIY. I like to organize and be part of the Karang Taruna Puspita Praja management in the village. At Mitra Wacana I am an accountant for the institution. My daily work involves dealing with financial statements and I am very happy with this work. I like cycling and cooking. On weekends I take time to refresh myself and exercise by cycling. My motto is: “As busy as you are, don’t forget to eat so that the mind is calm and the heart is at peace”