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Mitra Wacana WRC Activists

Istiatun dewan anggota Mitra Wacana WRC

Isti Atun

My name is Istiatun. I was born in Temanggung on November 4. I live in Yogyakarta. I graduated from State Islamic University of Sunan Kaliijaga (Univerisitas Islam Negri Sunan Kalijaga) with a Bachelor’s degree and a masters from Universitas Gadja Mada in social and political sciences. My professional experience includes Islamic students’ association (Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam), Environment Forum (Wahana Lingkungan Hidup), the Indonesian Women’s Coalition (Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia), NGOs and the National Leadership Council for Women’s Solidarity (DPN Solidaritas Perempuan). I have worked in Annisa Swasti Foundation, German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and Telecenter E-Pabelan. I have the skills to facilitate gender issues, community development, human rights, capacity building and other issues related to women’s issues. I am a Mitra Wacana WRC council member for the 2015 to 2017 period.

Sri Roviana dewan anggota Mitra Wacana WRC

Sri Roviana

My name is Sri Roviana, I was born in Yogyakarta on September 19th. I live in Berbah, Sleman. I have experience in the Indonesian Women’s Coalition (Koalisi Perempuan Indonesai), I have been active in several organizations. I was a member of the Central Leadership of the Aisyiah Social Welfare Council (Majlis Kesejahteraan Sosial PP Aisyiah) for 2010-15. I have worked in several NGOs and done research at the Institute for Research and Empowerment in Yogyakarta (2008-2012). I hold a bachelors degree from the Faculty of Islamic Theology and a master from Universitas Gadja Mada. I am currently completing a doctoral program at State Islamic University of Sunan Kaliijaga (UIN Sunan Kalijaga) in Yogyakarta. I worked as a lecturer at UIN Sunan Kalijaga in the faculty of sociology and humanities. I have expertise in analysis of gender and development, women and political Islam and sociology of the family. I am a Mitra Wacana WRC council member for the 2015 to 2017 period.

nurmalia ika widiasari

Nurmalia Ika Widiasari

Hi all, I am Nurmalia Ika Widasari, usually called Lia. I was born in Yogyakarta on March 2. I live in Sleman Yk. I have a distribution business in Wonorejo ABA, Gundi, Grobogan Purwodadi. I have a bachelor of law degree from General Sudirman University in Purwokerta and am currently completing my masters at the University of Sultan Agung in Semarang. I have experience in the Indonesian Women’s Coalition (Koalisi Perempuan Indonesai) and KSR PMI UNSOED. I am skilled at writing, business, facilitating and training for community empowerment. I am a Mitra Wacana WRC council member for the 2015 to 2017 period.

Rindang Farihah

Rindang Farihah

I am Rindang Farihah, Director of Mitra Wacana WRC from 2015 to 2017. I was born in Jombang, East Java on September 23. I have a bachelor’s degree from the Islamic Institute of Nurul Jadid in Probolinggo district, Faculty of Law, Department of Islamic Religious Court. My experience with NGOs started in 2003, distributing products of campaign on women and children rights, and active in the Handling Street Children caucus (Kaukus Penanganan Anak Jalanan) in Yogyakarta, made a journalism training program for street children, in cooperation with Bernas daily newspaper. Active in the women’s group of the Islamic group Nahdlatul Ulama in Yogyakarta (Fatayat NU PW DIY), as as Coordinator of the Education Education, Advocacy and Politics Division in the 2013 – 2017 period. One of the founders Strawberry Daycare, and inclusive daycare with subsidies which accepts all children from different social backgrounds. In 2014 wrote the handbook ‘Safe migration abroad’ (Aman merantau keluar negeri). In 2015 became deputy chairman of the selection committee of the Yogyakarta Information Committee. I have expertise as a speaker / facilitator of gender in the Islamic perspective, human rights and women’s rights.

Dianah Karmilah

Dianah Karmilah

I am Dianah Karmilah. Born in Bandung, May 14th. I have a Bachelor’s degree from the Arab Literature Department of the State Islamic University of Bandung. I have 14 years of experience in the field of study and mentoring disadvantaged groups. I have been active in campus organizations, community organizations, and NGOs. I initiated the Indonesian Women’s Coalition branch in Cianjur and Bandung in 2002. In 2003 I studied female victims of 1965-66 in Bandung, Garut and Cianjur with Syarikat Indonesia. I am currently doing research and documenting cultural reconciliation practices in Banyuwangi, Wonosobo, Blitar, Batang and Palu. I work at Mitra Wacana WRC as the program manager for human trafficking crime reduction in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta.

arif sugeng widodo

Arif Sugeng Widodo

I am Arif Sugeng Widodo. Born in Gunung Kidul on 17 September. My home is in Gunung. I live in Sleman. My life motto is ‘Be happy because it’s just a matter of conditioning your taste’. Favorite movie: Ice Age, favorite novel: Sophie’s World. I attended elementary school in Karang Duwet III for 7 years because I repeated first grade. Since childhood I like keeping livestock, especially goats and chickens. I studied at the Faculty in the Department of Philosophy and am now completing my master’s thesis at the same university. At Mitra Wacana I help in the media division.

Enik Maslahah

Enik Maslahah

My name Enik Maslahah. Program manager of Mitra Wacana WRC in Banjarnegara district. Place and date of birth Gresik, 29 October. Postal address Kotagede, Yogyakarta. Undergraduate Program at Faculty of Ushuluddin (Department of Islamic Philosophy), State Institute for Islamic Studies Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta. Master Program at Population Studies of Gajah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta. Experiences Organization Student journalist for ARENA, student magazine, of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga , Yogyakarta. Islamic Philosophy Study Club (KPFI, IAIN Yogyakarta). Voluntary worker at Women Crisis Centre, Rifka Annisa, Yogyakarta. Coordinator of Public Education Division at Mitra Wacana WRC, Yogyakarta. General Secretary of Yogyakarta Branch of Fatayat (young female section of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). Researcher at IDEA (Institute for Development and Economic Analysis).

Ignas Kleruk Mau

Ignas Kleruk Mau

My name is Ignatius Kleruk Mau. I live in Sentolo, Kulon Progo. My motto in life is Non Scholae sed Vitae Discimus (We learn not for school, but for life), I enjoy sight-seeing. My favorite book is Tetralogy of Buru Island by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. My favorite film is certainly ‘3 Idiots’. I like to learn, I am patient, hard working, I enjoy discussions and respect all beings. I work at Mitra Wacana WRC as a community organizer.


Elva Delvia Ratna Suminar

Hello everyone, my name is Elva Delvia Ratna Suminar. I live in Bantul, Yogyakarta. My life’s motto is Live life as as water flows. My hobby is mountain climbing. My favorite movies / books / novels? I don’t like reading or watching films much… so I don’t have a favorite film / book / novel. I am quiet, but if you get to know me… I have a bachelors degree in accounting from Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta. I work at Mitra Wacana WRC in accounting.



Meet me Astriani, I was born in Bantul on April 1. I live in Bantul, Yogyakarta. My personal philosophy is ‘Be myself’. I enjoy sight-seeing and listening to music. My favorite movie is 3 Idiots, I like Detective Conan novels. I am friendly, sociable but a little sensitive. I graduated from the University of Development (Universitas Pembangunan) in Yogyakarta with a bachelor’s degree in Guidance and Counselling. I have worked on early childhood education programs, I am active in youth organizations, village organizations, and I have the ability to become a facilitator for teen gender issues, adolescent reproductive health and youth-friendly counseling. At Mitra Wacana WRC, I work in the Public Education Division.

Wahyu Tanoto

Wahyu Tanoto

Hello friends, I am Wahyu Tanoto. I live in Condongcatur, Sleman. I am friendly and like humor, the motto of my life is the real struggle is for peace with myself. I love photography, reading, outdoor activities, writing in online media and travelling. I have made a video documentary on HIV–AIDS, been involved as an observer in the People’s Voter Education Network (JPPR) and General Election Polling Committee (PPS) in Banjarnegara. I work at Mitra Wacana WRC as media staff. I could be a facilitator or resource person with the issues of sexual and reproductive health for young people, gender in Islam for young people.

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