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Vice mayor of Yogyakarta through Dinkes Yogyakarta City supports Mitra Wacana in fulfilling reproductive health rights



Wednesday (26/06/2019), Mitra Wacana held a workshop UU No. 36 year 2009 about the health of multi stakeholders and monitoring of female cadres and young women in 3 districts Jetis, Tegalrejo and Mergangsan in Hotel Arjuna Yogyakarta. The deputy mayor of Yogyakarta, Heroe Poerwadi, who represented the head of the Yogyakarta City Health Office, Fita Yulia Kisworini, delivered its support in a joint effort with the aim of raising awareness of the integrated women’s reproductive health in To support the development of health in Yogyakarta. Head of the Yogyakarta Health Office, Fita Yulia Kisworini said it continues to work to make the mortality rate of mothers and infants in the area of Yogyakarta to continue to decline with community capacity increase through programs that have existed in the city of Jogja namely Si Kesi Gemes as the priority of health development of the national Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) health 2015-2019.

Fita Yulia Kisworini also said, the mortality rate of mothers in Yogyakarta in 2015 there are 5 cases whereas for the year 2016, 2017 to 2018 each 4 cases each year. For the infant mortality rate in 2017 there were 33 cases and had an increase in the year 2018 with 35 cases. The number of unwanted pregnancies (KTD) in 2017 reached 165 KTD, while in the year 2018 rose to 195 KTD.

Therefore Fita Yulia through the Yogyakarta City Health Office is making efforts with the improvement of post-abortion care (APK) in 5 health facilities (Faskes) in Yogyakarta, namely the Puskesmas of Tegalrejo, Jetis Health Center, AMC Clinic, RS Pratama and RS Jogja. It refers to PP number 61 year 2014 about reproductive health. Permenkes (Minister of Health Regulation) Number 3 year 2016 about the training and maintenance of post-miscarriage services.

Kesehatan Reproduksi telah dimasukkan di dalam UU no 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan, khususnya di dalam bagian keenam, Kesehatan reproduksi merupakan keadaan sehat secara fisik, mental, dan sosial secara utuh, tidak semata-mata bebas dari penyakit atau kecacatan yang berkaitan dengan sistem, fungsi, dan proses reproduksi pada laki-laki dan perempuan (pasal 71 ayat 1). Reproductive health is the right for everyone without exception. In LAW No. 36 The year 2009 on this health has been governed about the rights of society and also government obligations in the service of reproductive health. The government has also issued an implementation rule about reproductive health through government regulation No. 61 year 2014 on reproductive health.

Although it has been 10 years, but many government/local government and community officials who do not know about LAW No. 36 year 2009 on health and PP No. 61 year 2014 on reproductive health, as a result, can be Create a service that has not been max in terms of Kespro, also not maximization of public participation or the use of service of the Ministry of Community. 
Seeing the condition above Mitra Wacana intends to build synergity of multi stakeholders from 3 sub-districts (Mergangsan, Jetis and Tegalrejo) to jointly study law No. 36 year 2009 on health and PP 61 year 2014 about Reproductive health.

The Semiloka is made up of the fulfillment program of reproductive health rights of Mitra Wacana and foundation for Change of Access initiative to Healthy (IPAS) Indonesia. The event was filled with exposure and questions answered with the city of Kadinkes Yogyakarta, head of Health center Jetis Ani Mufidah Sari, Chief Health Center of Tegalrejo Abdul Latief, Chief Health Center of Mergangsan Risa Diana, and participants multistaholder from 3 districts Jetis, Tegalrejo , and Mergangsan.

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Mitra Wacana provides reproductive health assistance in Kalibawang, Kulon Progo



Wednesday (5/1/2020), Ruliyanto and Sri Murtiningsih from Mitra Wacana were speakers in an event about reproductive health hosted by KKN University PGRI Yogyakarta in Duwet II area of Banjarharjo Village, Kalibawang Subdistrict, Kulon Progo District.

The meeting was attended by as many as 25 people from PKK, the integrated healthcare center and health cadre in the Duwet ll area. The meeting took place from 13.00 – 15.00 o’clock, starting with exploring expectations, concerns, and contributionsthat could be made by the participants during the activities.

There was also a brainstorming about contraception where participants were very enthusiastic about their experiences of reproductive health. Groups were formed to discuss the effectiveness of contraception to prevent pregnancy, then presented.

As facilitators, Ruliyanto and Sri Murtiningsih emphasized that it is important for every woman to always consult with a doctor or midwife in accessing reproductive health services, where safe health services are very important for women to prevent maternal and infant mortality.







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