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The Importance of Sex Education to Avoid Unsafe and Risky Sex



Yogyakarta (1/12), Mitra Wacana held a reflection program PEKERTI with a cadre of women from the Jetis district that took place in the Jetis District Hall. The event was opened by the Master of Ceremony, followed by remarks from the Director of Mitra Wacana, Imelda Zuhaida. Next, participants divided into some groups. In each group there was an accompanying facilitator.

Yaya, Wemphy, Lita, Ines, Isna, and Nabila, are participants in the reflection program PEKERTI in the sharing sessions with the fascilitators, revealing that before joining in with Mitra Wacana’s program, their knowledge related to Sexual and Reproductive Health (HKSR) was minimal. Since they only get the basics in school, and that is loaded in the words of a biology lesson. There is also info related to reproduction just obtained from their mothers, but that is limited to during menstruation. They also revealed that they have never gotten education in a comprehensive manner before joining in Mitra Wacana’s program.

While asked about their perceptions of problems that teenagers experience with unwanted pregancy, Yaya said that the cause of unwanted pregancy is due to the lack of education about sexuality and reproductive health.

While handling that, according to people that experience unwanted pregnancy, Yaya adds, people must give support and be ready to become a support system for them, and give out information to the appropriate services.

Related to unwanted pregnancy victims who are married, Novi says, marriage is not necessarily a solution. Because, the impact of unwanted pregnancy on women is greater than that of men. This can be seen from the biological experience of women that is longer than men. When viewed from the additional functions of reproductive organs beyond sexual relations, women experience menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, puerperal, and breastfeeding. Whereas men only have wet dreams and sexual relations.

Muadzim, as the facilitator in this youth group, asked the question, “If a couple or a boyfriend invites you to have sex, how do you respond as women?” The participants simultaneously answered that they would refuse. Because, they do not want and are not ready to bear the risk, both biologically and socially.

Related to the background of a teenager who has unprotected sex and changing partners, Orin said, it is a complex problem. Some have left from “broken home” families, economic conditions of the family, experience addiction, and other things. Then, when she was asked about her friend who was diagnosed with HIV / AIDS for having unprotected sex, Orin responded that she still remained friends with them. Because, she already knew about the facts and myths of HIV / AIDS that are misunderstood by many people in general.

Meanwhile, Putri, before she received exposure to knowledge related to Reproductive Health, the perception that arose for her when she learned that there were rape victims who dumped babies as well as someone who got pregnant out of wedlock, she said it was a negative action. In addition, she often blamed the woman. But now, that pattern of thinking has changed. That is more on how a woman can get knowledge about the Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights.

Before the forum was concluded, Muadzim added that all people had the right to access equal health and education without discrimination.

The participants simultaneously gave advice and input to the Mitra Wacana PEKERTI program, related to the presence of male cadres in forums like this. Hopefully, men and women can respect each other’s rights.

“Ideally, speaking about equality, it should not only be for women. But it should also involve the role of men, especially   related to reproductive health education,” Muadzim added as well, concluding the meeting. []

Reporter: Septia Annur Rizkia



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Mitra Wacana provides reproductive health assistance in Kalibawang, Kulon Progo



Wednesday (5/1/2020), Ruliyanto and Sri Murtiningsih from Mitra Wacana were speakers in an event about reproductive health hosted by KKN University PGRI Yogyakarta in Duwet II area of Banjarharjo Village, Kalibawang Subdistrict, Kulon Progo District.

The meeting was attended by as many as 25 people from PKK, the integrated healthcare center and health cadre in the Duwet ll area. The meeting took place from 13.00 – 15.00 o’clock, starting with exploring expectations, concerns, and contributionsthat could be made by the participants during the activities.

There was also a brainstorming about contraception where participants were very enthusiastic about their experiences of reproductive health. Groups were formed to discuss the effectiveness of contraception to prevent pregnancy, then presented.

As facilitators, Ruliyanto and Sri Murtiningsih emphasized that it is important for every woman to always consult with a doctor or midwife in accessing reproductive health services, where safe health services are very important for women to prevent maternal and infant mortality.







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