Mitra Wacana Will Hold Workshops with 83 Stakeholders in 3 Districts (Jetis, Mergangsan, & Tegalrejo)

5 years agoon
Mitra Wacana
Reference framework
Workshop on Law No.36 of 2009 concerning Health
For Multi-Stakeholders in 3 Districts: Jetis, Tegalrejo and Mergangsan
Yogyakarta, 26 June 2019
Mitra Wacana is a social institution that moves to strengthen information and education for women and children. The regions Mitra Wacana work in are in the city of Yogyakarta and in Kulon Progo. At this time Mitra Wacana is collaborating with The Foundation for Initiatives in Changing Access Towards Health (Yayasan IPAS) in Indonesia to run a program in the Yogyakarta City area in the Integrated Women’s Reproductive Health Program (PEKERTi).
Direct beficiaries of this program are women and young women in 3 districts (Jetis, Tegalrejo dan Mergangsan) in Yogyakarta City with the locations as follows; Jetis District (Bumijo, Cokrodiningratan and Gowongan Villages), Tegalrejo District (Karangwaru, Kricak, Tegalrejo and Bener Villages), and Mergangsan Districts (Brotokusuman, Keparakan, and Wirogunan Villages).
The purpose of this program is to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity through providing comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (HKSR) information, including regarding pregnancy planning and contraception, prevention and management of Unplanned Pregnancy (KTD), and about comprehensive Post-Miscarriage Care (APK) in the framework of achieving equality in aspects of reproductive health.
Reproductive Health has been included in Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health, especially in the sixth part: Reproductive health is a state of physical, mental, and social health as a whole, not solely being free from disease or disability associated with the system, function, and process of reproduction in men and women (article 71 paragraph 1). Reproductive health is a right for everyone without exception. In Law No.36 In 2009, this health has been regulated regarding the rights of society and also government obligations in the service of reproductive health. The Government has also issued implementation regulations regarding Reproductive Health through Government Regulation No.61 of 2014 concerning reproductive health,
Even though it has been promulgated for 10 years, many government / regional government officials and the public do not know about Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health as well as Regulation No. 61 of 2014 concerning Reproductive Health. The result can be not yet maximal services in terms of reproductive health, as well as inadequate community participation or inadequate use of reproductive health services by the community.
Seeing the conditions above, Mitra Wacana intends to build a synergity of multi stakeholders from 3 sub-districts (Mergangsan, Jetis and Tegalrejo) to jointly study Law No. 36 year 2009 on health and Regulation 61 year 2014 about Reproductive Health.
This seminar and workshop aims to socialize Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health, particularly regarding Reproductive Health and Regulation No.61 concerning Reproductive Health for stakeholders in the 3 Sub-districts (Mergangsan, Jetis, and Tegalrejo).
Specific Purpose:
- Increase participants’ knowledge about Law No. 36 of 2009 on Health and Regulation No. 61 of 2014 concerning Reproductive Health
- Increase participants’ awareness about the Reproductive Health program in the participant’s work area
- Participants get information about Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health and Regulation No. 61 about Reproductive Health
- Participants can identify reproductive health programs that need to be implemented or improved in accordance with Law No. 36 of 2009 and Regulation No. 61 of 2014 concerning Reproductive Health.
Participants in this workshop will include 83 participants from 68 stakeholders from 3 sub-districts (Mergangsan, Jetis, and Tegalrejo), 4 interviewees, 1 moderator, and 7 people from Mitra Wacana.
- Health Services of Yogyakarta City
- The Head of the Jetis Health Center
- The Head of the Mergangsan Health Center
- The Head of the Tegalrejo Health Center
Question Guide for the Yogya City Health Office :
- Sosialization of Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning health, especially the sixth part about reproductive health
- Sosialization of the Regulation. No. 61 of 2014 about reproductive health
- The preexisting reproductive health program in Yogyakarta City
- Experiencesand challenges of implementing Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning health and the Regulation. No. 61 of 2014 about reproductive health
Question guide for the Heads of the Health Centers in Jetis, Mergangsan and Tegalrejo:
- Reproductive health data in the sub-districts
- Reproductive health programs in the sub-districts
- Experiences and challenges in the implementation and dissemination of reproductive health programs in the sub-districts
- Time and Place
This training will be held on Wednesday, 26 June 2019.
08.30 – 14.00 o’clock
Place :
Hotel Arjuna
Jl. P Mangkubumi No. 44 Yogyakarta
Telp. (0274)4469444
Attendance Confirmation :
Ning : 085786813009
List of Participants
- Camat Mergangsan
- The Head of the Religious Affairs Office (KUA) in Mergangsan
- The Head of the Mergangsan Health Center
- The Head of the Mergangsan Police Station
- Military Commander in Mergangsan
- The Head of Wirogunan Village
- The Head of Keparakan Village
- The Head of Brontokusuman Village
- Chairman of the Wirogunan Youth Organization
- Chairman of the Brontokusuman Youth Organization
- Chairman of the Keparakan Youth Organization
- Chairman of the Family Welfare Empowerment Group (PKK) in the Mergangsan sub-district
- Chairman of the Family Welfare Empowerment Group (PKK) in Wirogunan Village
- Chairman of the Family Welfare Empowerment Group (PKK) in Keparakan Village
- Chairman of the Family Welfare Empowerment Group (PKK) in Brontokusuman Village
- Religious Leaders of Wirogunan Village
- Religious Leaders of Brontokusuman Village
- Religious Leaders of Keparakan Village
- Community Leaders of Wirogunan Village
- Community Leaders in Keparakan Village
- Community Leaders in Brontokusuman Village
- The Head of Jetis Sub-district
- The Head of the Religious Affairs Office (KUA) in Jetis
- The Head of the Jetis Health Center
- The Head of the Mergangsan Police Station
- Military Commander of Jetis
- Headman of Bumijo
- Headman of Gowongan
- Headman of Cokrodiningratan
- Chairman of the Bumijo Youth Organization
- Chairman of the Gowongan Youth Organization
- Chairman of the Cokrodiningratan Youth Organization
- Chairman of the the Family Welfare Empowerment Group (PKK) in the Jetis sub-district
- Chairman of the the Family Welfare Empowerment Group (PKK) in Bumijo Village
- Chairman of the Family Welfare Empowerment Group (PKK) in Gowongan Village
- Chairman of the Family Welfare Empowerment Group (PKK) in Cokrodiningratan Village
- Religious Leaders in Bumijo Village
- Religious Leaders in Cokrodiningratan Village
- Religious Leaders in Gowongan Village
- Community Leaders in Bumijo Village
- Community Leaders in Cokrodiningratan Village
- Community Leaders in Gowongan Village
- The Head of the Tegalrejo sub-district
- The Head of the Religious Affairs Office (KUA) in Tegalrejo
- The Head of the Tegalrejo Health Center
- The Head of the Tegalrejo Police Station
- The Military Commander in Tegalrejo
- The Village Leader of Tegalrejo
- The Village Leader of Bener
- The Village Leader of Kricak
- The Village Head of Karangwaru
- The Head of the Youth Organization of Tegalrejo
- The Head of the Youth Organization of Bener
- The Head of the Youth Organization of Kricak
- The Head of the Youth Organization of Karangwaru
- The Chairman of the the Family Welfare Empowerment Group (PKK) in the Tegalrejo Sub-district
- The Chairman of the the Family Welfare Empowerment Group (PKK) in Tegalrejo Village
- The Chairman of the the Family Welfare Empowerment Group (PKK) in Bener Village
- The Chairman of the the Family Welfare Empowerment Group (PKK) in Kricak Village
- The Chairman of the the Family Welfare Empowerment Group (PKK) in Karangwaru Village
- The Religious Leader of Tegalrejo Village
- The Religious Leader of Bener Village
- The Religious Leader of Kricak Village
- The Religious Leader of Karangwaru Village
- Community Leader of Tegalrejo Village
- Community Leader of Karangwaru Village
- Community Leader of Kricak Village
- Community Leader of Bener Village
- 7 Mitra Wacana people
- 1 Moderator
- 4 Interviewees
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Mitra Wacana provides reproductive health assistance in Kalibawang, Kulon Progo

5 years agoon
18 February 2020By
Mitra Wacana
Wednesday (5/1/2020), Ruliyanto and Sri Murtiningsih from Mitra Wacana were speakers in an event about reproductive health hosted by KKN University PGRI Yogyakarta in Duwet II area of Banjarharjo Village, Kalibawang Subdistrict, Kulon Progo District.
The meeting was attended by as many as 25 people from PKK, the integrated healthcare center and health cadre in the Duwet ll area. The meeting took place from 13.00 – 15.00 o’clock, starting with exploring expectations, concerns, and contributionsthat could be made by the participants during the activities.
There was also a brainstorming about contraception where participants were very enthusiastic about their experiences of reproductive health. Groups were formed to discuss the effectiveness of contraception to prevent pregnancy, then presented.
As facilitators, Ruliyanto and Sri Murtiningsih emphasized that it is important for every woman to always consult with a doctor or midwife in accessing reproductive health services, where safe health services are very important for women to prevent maternal and infant mortality.