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Notes of a Former Migrant Worker (based on an interview)



Mitra Wacana

By: Umiasih (CO Kulon Progo)

This will tell the story of what happened to a person that will be referred to as BN. This event occurred in the 1990’s when BN received an offer to work overseas. At that time, BN had just divorced her husband, and had one child. The person offering the job presented it as a lucrative job offer. At first BN wasn’t sure whether or not to take the job, but she hoped that if she took the job she would be able to guarantee a future for her child, so finally she decided to accept the job offer.

The requirements weren’t complicated, the important thing was that BN had an Identity Card. After her preparations were complete, BN departed by bus to Batam. After arriving at her destination, BN was brought to a shelter in a simple house that was surrounded by a wall, like a prison. After approximately six months in that shelter, BN departed to Malaysia to work as a domestic helper.

While working, BN was forbidden from speaking with her work friends. She also received physical violence, such as being slapped and hit by her boss. BN also never received any payment while working. These conditions made BN increasingly determined to escape from Malaysia and return to Indonesia, even though there were many obstacles and risks. Her first attempt failed, BN was found out by her boss and badly beaten.

BN never gave up. On her second escape attempt, BN met with the Indonesian Navy. She hoped they would help her, but instead they beat her and kicked her with their shoes. BN was captured and returned to her boss.

After this, BN felt resigned to her fate. Then four years later she tried to escape again. Together with a friend, BN tied bed sheets together, and used them to escape through the house window. She successfully arrived in the harbour at 2.am. However, her friend failed because she fell in the persons house. BN met with a fisherman who finally helped her to cross using a barge. BN crossed to the base of Pinang.

Upon arrival in Indonesia, BN decided to help the owner of the store where she took shelter. The owner wa named Sri, she was a person from Bantul in Yogyakarta. While living in Sri’s house, BN helped her sell things in the warung. One time Sri’s son came to visit, sith the help of Sri’s son, BN entrusted him with photos for her family at home, because BN had long been away, BN worried that her family would not recognize her. With Sri’s assistance, BN managed to go home and meet with family.

After 10 years back at home, BN received an invitation from Mitra Wacana WRC to join in a routine meeting at the Women’s Learning Centre (P3A). Because of these regular meetings, BN received information about the prevention of human trafficking. Besides that, the P3A is also a place to learn and share experiences. Before becoming a member of the P3A, BN had never before joined in with an organisation like that. Thanks to the regular meetings, BN realised that she had been a victim of human trafficking. Until now, BN still regularly joins in with P3A meetings. According to BN, if she regularly attends the meetings she believes she will learn many new things eg: about gender equality, reproductive help.

In OPSD, participants receive knowledge about the importance of participating in development. Women are able to participate in development, because women actually know more about their needs. For example, girls know the needs of the child, the things that endanger the child and take care of reproductive health. Unlike men, most of them think about their physical needs without paying attention to the psychic.

While joining in with the OPSD, BN received knowledge about including women in village development. For BN, the OPSD becomes a place for village women to learn about gender, village laws, preventing human trafficking and fulfilling women’s rights.

BN feels that she had many valuable experiences here. She has become more confident when mingling with the community and engaging in community deliberations. As an example, in one instance, BN emphasised the importance of educating people about the prevention of human trafficking. Her hope is so that there are no more victims of human trafficking her village.

During the process of OPSD, BN was not satisfied because not many participants from the village government joined the activity. According to BN, if OPSD are attended by many more “important” people from the village, then it will increase the number of people in society that are vocal about preventing human trafficking.

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Dongeng Sepiring Nasi Dalam Tatanan Negara Demokrasi



Oleh : Denmas Amirul Haq (Mahasiswa Pascasarjana di Universitas Islam Malang)

“Sebelum Pesta Demokrasi Mereka Selalu berjanji untuk membangun jembatan, meski tidak ada Satupun sungai Disana”. Nikita Krushchev : 1970

Salah satu prasyarat negara demokrasi adalah adanya Pemilihan Umum yang dilakukan secara regular guna membentuk pemerintahan yang demokratis, tidak hanya mekanisme penyelenggaraan semata. Oleh karenanya, Pemlilihan umum menjadi suatu rutinitas bagi kebanyakan negara demokrasi, meskipun kadang-kadang praktek politik di negara yang bersangkutan jauh dari kaidah-kaidah demokratis dan Pemilu tetap dijalankan untuk memenuhi tuntutan normatif; sebagai prasyarat prosedural demokrasi.

Tak jarangpula kita sering menemukan Pemilu hanya dijadikan sebagai ajang kompetisi untuk meraih jabatan-jabatan publik, apakah menjadi anggota legisltaif ?, eksekutif ?, atau paling penting menjadi kepala daerah ?, menteri ?, bahkan tak jarang presiden ?. (Puspitasari, 2004)

Ihwal, di Indonesia mulanya pemilihan umum masih banyak dimaknai sebagai realisasi kedaulatan rakyat dan juga dimaknai sebagai sarana untuk memberikan dan memperkuat legitimasi rakyat. Meskipun secara realnya mereka hanya ibarat membangun jembatan yang kadang tak satupun didapati sungai. Buawaian tersebut makin memperkuat bahwa negara demokrasi hanyalah bungkus dari kepentingan yang tersusun rapi untuk mendapatkan suara dan lagitimate rakyat.

Dewasa kini, Hubungan demokrasi dan Pemilu dapat dirangkaikan dalam sebuah kalimat;

“Tidak ada demokrasi tanpa Pemilu”.

Pemilu menjadi prasyarat mutlak untuk menciptakan demokrasi. Pemilu menjadi sebuah jalan bagi terwujudnya demokrasi. Tetapi mewujudkan pemilu yang demokratis bukanlah pekerjaan mudah sebab hari ini kita ketahui bersama praktek pemilu hanya digunakan sebagai sebuah perhelatan prosedural untuk menggantikan kekuasaan atau untuk membentuk lembaga-Iembaga politik.

Secara prosedural praktek pemilu selanjutnya dibedakan menjadi dua. Sebagai formalitas politik; dan kedua pemilu sebagai alat demokrasi. Meskipun kebanyakan kita jumpai pemilu hanya sebatas formalitas politik, alat legalitas pemerintahan dan yang lebih parah dijalankan dengan cara yang tidak demokratis dengan mahakarya rekayasa demi memenangkan pasangan dan partai politik tertentu.

Bagi bangsa Indonesia, relasi antara pemilu dan demokrasi terletak pada nilai keadilan bagi seluruh kehidupan bernegara yang tecermin dalam Pancasila. Falsafah ini lahir sebagai jawaban atas peristiwa masa lalu; eksploitasi kolonialisme.

Perwujudan itu sejatinya harus ditilik dari subtansi nilai Keadilan meskipun hal inilah yang paling kompleks. Hari ini melalui gelaran pesta demokrasi, kita banyak menyaksikan rakyat yang masih sangat setia melaksanakan amanat konstitusi. Bahkan hingga akar runput  mereka masih sangat teguh menjunjung tinggi moral.

Meskipun faktanya begitu cepat, politisi bersekongkol dengan birokrasi hingga tega menjual kekayaan negara. begitu cepat, aparatur negara gesit menghalalkan segala cara memburu tahta dengan menimbulkan bencana dan angkara murka. Selamat datang di negeri dongeng yang dipenuhi begitu banyak drama pencitraan dan janji. Demkokrasi dalam sepiring nasi adalah benar adanya yang hanya dinikmati segelintir orang yang memiliki piring sementara bagi rakyat kesejahteraan hanya mimpi yang terus jadi harapan semu.

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